Molly MitchellMay 5, 20231 min readMolly MitchellMolly Mitchell is a part time HCC student majoring in English. They enjoy writing fiction based on reality but with a sprinkle of magical realism. They also enjoy reading and hanging with friends.
Molly Mitchell is a part time HCC student majoring in English. They enjoy writing fiction based on reality but with a sprinkle of magical realism. They also enjoy reading and hanging with friends.
an0therpoetAs a child, an0therpoet began writing poetry after reading Emily Dickinson, and first attended HCC in 2005
Alexandria LewisAlexandria Lewis is an HCC Honors College student majoring in Biology. She is emotionally connected with the world and the history of her...
Eunice NyamuhinduEunice Nyamuhindu is an HCC student majoring in Multidisciplinary Studies. She loves to write fictional stories and hopes to be a writer...