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  • an0therpoet

The Impending Doom of My Next Mouth Wreck

by a0therpoet

Silence is golden, and that is why I have no money  

Instead of the gift of gab, I have shackles of speech!  


The mangling of verbs, nouns, even common phrases,  

Come speeding off the starting line  

My brain’s already waving the checkered flag 

Yet I’m still driving my point home – or not? 


As the audience listens, gathered to witness this horror,  

The quizzical look on my conversational partner’s face  

Sends my brain scrambling for a better way  


Peeling out from the pit lane, I try to steer out of the skid  

Instead injuring those I meant to befriend  

And every dime I spent on my vocabulary  

Sends me crashing into the boards once again 

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