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  • Ángel Nario

Free but Never Safe 

by Angel Nario

Pistols and shotguns and AR-15s, 

snipers and rifles and submachines, 

assaults and revolvers and Glock 17s, 

uzis and muskets and M-16s: 

So many options for a killing machine. 

They break laws, they break rules, but who’ll intervene? 

It’s an obvious issue they refuse to control, 

perhaps because their money would take a toll. 

They ban social media, abortions, and limit trans rights 

supposedly done to protect their children from fright. 

They blame video games. They blame movies. They blame mental health. 

Politicians don’t care as they sit on their wealth. 

So out goes the gunman, and no one bats an eye— 

through concerts and stores and academies high. 

Out he goes on his lawless way 

shooting and killing, racist bigot play. 

Boom barks the bullet and into the dust 

aimed at innocent people for our killer’s bloodlust. 

No matter the victims. No matter the lives. 

No matter the parents killed before their child’s eyes. 

No matter the students shot in the face. 

No matter the people with bones and organs displaced. 

No matter the old man dead on the ground.

No matter the young girl whose head can’t be found. 

Nothing is as loud or as long as that sentence 

“Guns don’t kill people, there is no gun violence!” 

Columbine, Nashville, El Paso, Santa Fe,

Highland Park, Buffalo, even Uvalde.

Is this really America? The home of the brave? 

Or just a country where you’re free but never safe. 

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