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  • Jaylah Kizzee

The Black Race

by Jaylah Kizzee

The Black Race

No one sees anything wrong; 

we say all lives matter, 

but truth is they don’t. 

What about Black Lives? 

Being judged based upon our skin 

is like committing God’s worst sin. 

Being looked at in public places,  

seeing the looks on people’s faces.  

We don’t want sympathy or empathy. 

All we want is to be treated like human beings,  

not constantly being beaten, 

and always screaming “I can’t breathe.” 

Mothers have to remind their daughters how beautiful they are 

telling them no matter their age or shade, 

Black don’t crack. 

Mothers have to tell their sons,  

Come straight home. 

Pull your pants up. 

Speak properly. 

Don’t wear a hood or cap. 

Have manners. 

Don’t stare. 

Keep your hands up and don’t reach. 

Then when one of our race is killed, 

there is some excuse, 

so we walk around saying, “No justice, no peace.” 

It’s almost like we have to apologize for being Black, 

stricken with fear of being attacked.  

This is not the American dream. 

Instead, it is our ancestors’ worst nightmare. 

The challenges and hardships faced 

to the community is a disgrace, 

for we have climbed the steps, one by one, 

united as a nation under one. 

Racism is taught; 

no one is born with a hate for race. 

To end this fight, parents must teach their children right. 

Love everyone no matter how dark or bright. 

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